For extra loft and incredible sleep we created Tokowool.

Not all sheep are created equally. When our partners demanded an extra bouncy, lofty and squidgy wool, with great resilience we worked to source high-bulk wool from special breeds.

Specially Selected Sheep

New Zealand wool is renowned for its whiteness, brightness, and low carbon footprint.

The sheep that provide their wool for Tokowool are selected to have the most resilient and buoyant wool. 

We work with New Zealand’s top sheep breeders who specialise in creating flocks of “high-bulk” sheep, as such Tokowool is exceptionally good for beds.

Remarkably Sustainable

Tokowool is created solely by nature, we have simply used the purest air, the freshest water, the cleanest soils, and very special breeds of sheep to produce long lasting and exceptional high-loft wool.  New Zealand wool has a 28% lower carbon footprint than wool from other parts of the world with some farms having been measured to be 2.5 times carbon negative.

Toko wool is exclusively available through Enkev Natural Fibres.